Do you still offer Clinical Psychology services?
No, as of September 2024 Neu Wellness Group no longer offers Clinical Psychology services, and none of the Neu Wellness Group team hold registration as Psychologists. Neu Wellness Group is exclusively an Executive, Leadership & Performance Coaching practice.
​How long are sessions with a Couples Therapist?
Sessions are 50 minutes however can run for up to 90 minutes at the client's request or during couples' therapy.
​How much are sessions with a Couples Therapist?
For couples therapy sessions are $320 per 50 minutes. Sessions that extend 50 minutes are charged pro-rata.
​How long are sessions with an Executive & Leadership Coach?
Sessions are 50-60 minutes however can run for up to 90 minutes and ad hoc hours as agreed upon prior to the start of coaching services.
​How much are sessions with an Executive & Leadership Coach?
Fees are to be agreed upon on prior to the start of coaching services.
How many sessions will I need?
As many or as few as you like. Each individual or couples' process is unique to their circumstances, background, and reasons for coming in to begin with. Ultimately it is up to you. Sessions generally start weekly, and can be spaced out to fortnightly/monthly at the clients' request and progress.
Is my information safe?
All information you provide is confidential and remains strictly between you and your Coach/Couples Therapist unless there is a risk of harm to yourself or somebody else, or in the event of subpoena by a court of law. If either of these circumstances arise your Coach/Couples Therapist will discuss this with you. All data and documentation is stored online on secure encrypted servers used by Medical & Allied Health Practitioners as well as password protected computers.
How do I book an appointment?
Please select "Make Appointment" in the Contact Form below, or send a message via the Contact Form if you'd prefer a call first. Alternatively give us a call on 0423 502 608, or send an email to info@neuwellnessgroup.com.
Can I get any rebates for my sessions?
No. Neu Wellness Group is no longer offering clinical psychology services, and none of the Coaches/Couples Therapists at Neu Wellness Group hold registration with AHPRA as a health practitioner. This means that the Medicare rebate under a Mental Health Care Plan no longer applies.
Was it possible to get a Mental Health Care Plan in the past?
Yes, since 2019 Neu Wellness Group was offering clinical psychology services, and its clinicians were registered with AHPRA. Since 2021 it was Neu Wellness Group's goal to become exclusively an Executive, Leadership & Performance Coaching practice, and this pivotal goal was achieved in 2023.
Do I need a referral to see an Executive Coach/Couples Therapist?
What about Private Health Insurance Rebates?
If you have Private Health Insurance which includes extras cover then you may be eligible for rebates. Please contact your Private Health Insurer for more information on this.
​What is the cancellation fee?
100% of the fee is payable if cancelled within 24 buisness hours of the appointment. 50% of the fee is payable if cancelled within 48 buisness hours of the appointment. You will be charged automatically in the event of cancellation per this policy. We endeavour to avoid charging cancellation fees wherever possible and send you a reminder text 3 business days prior to your appointment to ensure the appointment is not forgotten. Due to a considerable waitlist it is appreciated if you could please cancel ASAP should you believe you may be unable to attend the appointment for any reason. A reason for cancellation is not required.
How do I change my appointment?
Please text or call 0423 502 608. Alternatively send an email to info@neuwellnessgroup.com. Requests to change appointments cannot be accommodated if made within 48 hours of the appointment time.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is online provision of services. This can be video format via a secure encrypted platform used by Medical & Allied Health Practitioners, or via telephone.
What can I expect? What will Coaching/Couples Therapy be like for me?
It can be a nerve wracking process to sit with a new person and reveal details about yourself. We understand that, and can guarantee you will feel understood, comforted and safe during your first and all subsequent sessions. ​Your first session will involve briefly going over confidentiality and consent. The rest of the session will be a conversation about what brought you in, your life history, and the goals you'd like to set and achieve during your time with us. This initial session helps us understand you, validate what is going on for you, and collaboratively set goals with you.
If you are in a relationship and coming for couples therapy, your Couples Therapist will typically take an assessment of you together during the first session, followed by individual sessions separately with each partner. After this point treatment begins, and is done together as a couple.​​​
Josh Kaufman - The Personal MBA